Strength in Collaborative Leadership: Introducing OCL’s New Leadership Model
Lerato Honde
July 23, 2024
OCL is implementing a new Co-Leadership model, with Richard Gevers as Chief Strategy Officer, Megan Wadge as Chief Executive Officer, and a Strategic Management Team.

At OCL, we are always evolving to meet the needs of our dynamic industry. As we transition into our Product Phase, a significant re-design of our organisation structure is underway. Our strategic intentions for the next five years, identified in late 2023, led us to an innovative idea: transitioning the CEO role into two equally senior, mutually accountable roles: the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Thus, our Co-Leadership model was born. 

The Rationale Behind Co-Leadership

Initially, the idea of a Co-CEO model was considered, but through extensive discussions and research we decided that a Co-Leadership model would better suit our needs at OCL. This model was further inspired by a convening held by Luminate, a key OCL partner and funder since 2019. This convening provided Richard and Megan with the space and support to explore what the co-leadership model could look like. This approach allows for distinct yet complementary roles, harnessing the unique strengths and competencies of two leaders. 

Richard Gevers - CSO and Megan Wadge - CEO at a convening hosted by Luminate in February 2024.

The Roles Explained

Our Co-Leadership model features an outward-facing CSO, Richard Gevers, and an inward-facing CEO, Megan Wadge. Richard’s role focuses on strategy and vision, while Megan’s is centred on organisation and implementation. 

Here is a snapshot of their key responsibilities:

Other Developments in Leadership

To step into the new CEO role, Megan Wadge has transitioned out of her previous position as Chief Operating Officer (COO). The COO role has been redefined, with Megan Hallet stepping in to take over. Our Strategic Management Team will be complete by the end of 2024, ready to lead OCL into this exciting new phase of growth, and will be structured as follows: 

The Path to Success

Co-leadership has proven to be successful in similar working environments, aligning with modern principles of mutual accountability and empowerment. Clear role definitions are crucial, but the success of this model ultimately depends on the effective collaboration between Richard, Megan, and their respective teams. 

Success for our CSO means:

  • Setting ambitious, realistic goals
  • Delivering powerful, data-based advocacy 
  • Building strong partnerships and stakeholder relationships
  • Growing our impact and revenue

Success for our CEO means:

  • Ensuring governance, compliance, and fiscal responsibility
  • Developing robust infrastructure and action plans
  • Engaging and empowering competent teams
  • Ensuring optimal contractual delivery

Measuring Success

We will monitor several criteria to gauge the success of our Co-Leadership model:

  • Leadership Continuity: Smooth handovers, minimal process disruptions, clear communication
  • Organisational Stability: Positive employee morale, staff retention, leadership cohesion, improved internal collaboration, resilience to change, strong culture
  • Strategic Alignment and Implementation: Clear strategic messaging, defined goals, documented implementation plans
  • Operational Performance: Stable delivery metrics, continuous process improvement, expanded impact
  • Revenue Growth: Positive growth trends, pursuit of growth opportunities, robust pipeline
  • Stakeholder Confidence: Positive feedback from the board and partners
  • Personal Satisfaction: Both leaders feeling satisfied with the model

Moving Forward

With the groundwork laid, it’s time to implement our Co-Leadership model. A six-month transition plan is in place. We are excited about this new chapter and confident that our Co-Leadership model will drive OCL’s work to greater heights. Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this journey together!

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